Build integrity in

Lean software development의 원칙 중 하나.

A system is perceived to have integrity when a user thinks, “Yes! That is exactly what I want. Somebody got inside my mind!” (…omitted…) ConceptualIntegrity means that the system’s central concepts work together as smooth, cohesive whole, and it is a critical factor in creating PerceivedIntegrity. —pxxvii, Introduction, Lean software development (book)

Emerging integrity:

How can you be sure that a good architecture will emerge? How can you be sure your system will have conceptual integrity?

First, use existing parts when possible.

Second, use Integrated problem solving.

Third, be sure there are experienced developers involved in all critical area.

Finally, complex system require the Leadership of a master developer with the skills to facilitate collaborative efforts across multiple development teams. —p139-140, Chapter 6, Lean software development (book)

Model-driven development:

In Domain-driven design Eric Evans advocates model-driven design, that is, the construction of a domain model such that software implementation can flow directly from this model. Domain models must be both understood and directly usable by the customers or customer representatives and by the developers actually writing the code. Eric Evans advocates this domain model as a uniquitous language; that is, developers and customers alike should use the same words to mean the same things; typically, the words should come from the customers. This is the only way the two sides can talk meaningfully and that the customers can validate the developers’ understanding of their problem. —p131, Lean software development (book)

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