Value stream mapping

Lean software development

LSD의 원칙 중 하나인 Eliminate waste의 도구.

In the book Lean thinking, James Womack and Daniel Jones chronicle the journey of a cola can from raw material to consumption. … The interesting thing about this value stream is that it takes a cola can an average of 319 days to move from the mine to consumption, while the processing time–the time that value is actually being added—is only 3 hours, or 0.04 percent of the total time. …

Mapping your value stream is a good way to start discovering the waste in your software development process. …

A value stream map provides a starting point for evaluating and improving your software development process. Once you have a map, pick the biggest opportunities to increase flow and value-added time, and send your team after them. Then, update your value stream map, pick the next biggest opportunities, and repeat the process.

Once you have a value stream map of your organization, the next step is to extend it to your customers. If you can understand how your customers create value, you have a tremendous tool for helping them realize that value.

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