
제어 이론

  • Positive feedback loop
  • Negative feedback loop

Lean software development

LSD의 원칙 중 하나인 Amplify learning의 도구.

Deterministic control doesn’t work well with the variablility:

Imagine driving a car in which the position of the accelerator was preprogrammed at the factory. If you want to go 60 mph, it moves the accelerator to position A; if you want to go 65 mph, it moves the accelerator to position B, and so on. THis might work on flat terrain, but when it got to a steep hill, the car would slow to a crawl. Upon reaching the top, the car would careen dangerously fast down the other side.

Deterministic control simply does not work when there is variablity in the terrain. —p26, Chapter 2, Agile software development (book)

Increasing feedback:

In most cases, increasing feedback, not decreasing it, is the single most effective way to deal with troubled software development projects and environments.

  • Instead of letting defects accumulate, run tests as soon as the code is written.
  • Instead of adding more documentation or detailed planning, try checking out ideas by writting code.
  • Instead of gathering more requirements from users, show them an assortment of potential user screens and get their input.
  • Instead of studying more carefully which tool to use, bring the top three candidates inhouse and test them.
  • Instead of trying to figure out how to convert an entire system in a single massive effort, create a Web front end to the legacy system and try the new idea out.

—p26, Chapter 2, Agile software development (book)

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