체성 감각 감소

통증을 감소시키는 현상. 예측하는 뇌 가설에서는 정밀도 변동으로 설명한다.


자기도 모르는 사이에 네일건으로 머리를 쏴서(어떻게 그럴수가?) 못이 입천장 안쪽에서 두개골 내부를 관통했으나 6일 동안 “치통” 정도로 여기며 지냄:

a report in USA Today described a construction worker who had unknowingly shot himself in the head with a nail gun (Figure 1, right panel) and who was unaware of the injury. He perceived a toothache and went to a dentist 6 days later, wherein the cause of the rogue toothache was discovered. In this case, one would conclude that somatic deamplification was at work. The patient was unaware of the injury and attributed the sensation to more familiar sources. —Biological substrate for somatoform disorders: importance of pathophysiology

See also

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