마음의 모듈성

제리 포더의 전통적 견해

포더에 따르면 마음의 모듈의 특성은 이렇다:

  • Domain specificity, modules only operate on certain kinds of inputs - they are specialized.
  • Informational encapsulation, modules need not refer to other psychological systems in order to operate.
  • Obligatory firing, modules process in a mandatory manner.
  • Fast speed, probably due to the fact that they are encapsulated (thereby needing only to consult a restricted database) and mandatory (time need not be wasted in determining whether or not to process incoming input).
  • Shallow outputs, the output of modules is very simple.
  • Limited inaccessibility.
  • Characteristic ontogeny, there is a regularity of development.
  • Fixed neural architecture.

포더는 또한 모듈은 하위 수준에만 해당되며, 상위 수준의 인지 프로세스는 모듈로 설명할 수 없다고 주장. 제리 포더와 스티븐 핑커 사이의 논쟁:


What is also apparent, however, is that the human mind cannot consist solely of isolated separate mechanisms that are entirely walled off from each other. Selection favors functionally specialized mechanisms that work all together in various combinations and permutations. Adaptations “talk to each other,” so to speak. … In this sense, evolutionary psychologists tend not to make information encapsulation a defining feature of evolved psychological mechanisms, as is sometimes used when invoking the concept of modularity. The precise nature of information sharing among various psychological mechanisms remains a fascinating area for future research.

Furthermore, humans also likely have superordinate mechanisms that function to regulate other mechanisms. … The possibility that humans possess evolved superordinate regulatory mechanisms remains promising and awaits future research. —p57-58, Evolutionary psychology (book)

See also

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