The split brain revisited
뇌량이 절제된 환자의 사례를 통해 거짓 기억이 어떻게 생겨나는지에 대해 설명한다:
… Others believe false memories reflect an error in reconstructing past experience: in other words, that people develop a schema about what happened and retrospectively fit untrue events - that are nonetheless consistent with the schema - into their recollection of the original experience.
The left hemisphere has exhibited certain characteristics that support the latter (바로 위에서 언급된 가설) view. First, developing such schemata is exactly what the left hemisphere interpreter excels at. Second, Funnell has discovered that the left hemisphere has an ability to determine the source of a memory, based on the context or the surrounding events. Her work indicates that the left hemisphere actively places its experiences in a larger context, whereas the right simply attends to the perceptual aspects of the stimulus. Finally, Michael B. Miller, a graduate student at Dartmouth, has demonstrated that the left prefrontal regions of normal subjects are activated when they recall false memories.