Boquila trifoliolata mimics leaves of an artificial plastic host plant

기존 연구에서 Boquila trifoliolata가 여러 종의 잎모양을 모방할 수 있다는 사실은 밝혀졌지만 메커니즘은 밝혀지지 않았음. 이 연구에서는 플라스틱으로 만든 가짜 잎도 모방할 수 있다는 점을 밝히고 안점을 사용하여 숙주를 “보고” 모방한다는 가설을 제시.

기존에는 숙주 식물의 휘발성 화학물질에 반응한다는 가설, 숙주로부터의 수평적 유전자 이동 가설 등이 제시되었으나, 본 연구에서는 플라스틱으로 만든 가짜 숙주의 모양도 모방한다는 점을 보여 기존 가설들을 기각.


Upon discovery that the Boquila trifoliolata is capable of flexible leaf mimicry, the question of the mechanism behind this ability has been unanswered. Here, we demonstrate that plant vision possibly via plant-specific ocelli is a plausible hypothesis. A simple experiment by placing an artificial vine model above the living plants has shown that these will attempt to mimic the artificial leaves. The experiment has been carried out with multiple plants, and each plant has shown attempts at mimicry. It was observed that mimic leaves showed altered leaf areas, perimeters, lengths, and widths compared to non-mimic leaves. We have calculated four morphometrical features and observed that mimic leaves showed higher aspect ratio and lower rectangularity and form factor compared to non-mimic leaves. In addition, we have observed differences in the leaf venation patterns, with the mimic leaves having less dense vascular networks, thinner vascular strands, and lower numbers of free-ending veinlets.

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