Never interrupt an interruption

원래 하던 일을 잠깐 멈추고 다른 일을 할 수는 있지만 “다른 일”을 또 멈추가 또다른 일을 하지는 말라는 조언. 일반적으로 쓸 수 있는 업무 원칙 중 하나.

TDD 주기를 잠깐 벗어나도 괜찮다는 맥락에서 나온 말:

Wait a minute! Why is Franc.times() calling the constructor instead of the factory method? Do we want to make this change now, or will we wait? The dogmatic answer is that we’ll wait, not interrupting what we’re doing. The answer in my practice is that I will entertain a brief interruption, but only a brief one, and I will never interrupt an interruption (Jim Coplien taught me this rule). —Chapter 9, Test-driven development: by example

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