V1에서 LGN으로의 피드백

눈의 광수용체에서 촉발된 신호가 LGN을 거쳐 V1으로 전달되는 피드포워드 경로가 존재하는 건 맞지만, 사실 LGN이 받는 정보의 80%는 V1에서 보내지는 피드백 신호다. 이는 예측하는 뇌 가설의 중요한 근거 중 하나다.

The number of neuronal connections: For example, after light enters the eye, signals are first passed to the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), which then routes information onward to an area known as V1. But this forward-flowing stream is just a small part of the story. The bulk (perhaps 80 percent) of the input to LGN actually comes from elsewhere in the brain, with much of it feeding back downward from V1. —p232, The experience machine: How our minds predict and shape reality

관련 연구

  • Budd, J. M. L., “Extrastriate Feedback to Primary Visual Cortex in Primates: A Quantitative Analysis of Connectivity,” Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 265 (1998): 1037–1044.
  • Raichle, M. E., and Mintun, M. A., “Brain Work and Brain Imaging,” Annual Review of Neuroscience 29 (2006): 449–476.

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